天主教活动 Catholic Programme
Catholic Programme
Our school Vision and Mission clearly articulate our emphasis on spiritual and character formation in students. Our strong Catholic ethos is cascaded to students, staff and stakeholders, supported by our School Chaplain, School Management Board, parent catechists and Catholic staff.
Our unique GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) programme seeks to enrich students’ spiritual lives through multisensory, experiential lessons. Since the pandemic, GIFT lessons are online via the Student Learning Space, and are interactive using videos, activities and songs. Regular prayers such as the daily Guardian Angel Prayer and student-led Rosary prayer in May and October anchor our students in faith. A year- end retreat is held for graduating classes to prepare students to look at their own milestones and observe for themselves how much they have grown and prepare them for the modern world.
Prior to the pandemic, the Holy Eucharist was celebrated termly and faith was deepened by growth sessions centered during the Lent and Easter season. Field trip to churches were organised for our P4 students.